I watched the Superbowl last night for the first time ever. I quite enjoyed it even though I should hate it. I found out that if someone falls over due to a tackle then play stops. If it looks like anything good is going to happen, play stops. A touchdown does not actually mean touching the ball down on the ground, just bundling someone across the line will do. Being able to challenge decisions is a good idea. Having a pointless time out when its all going pear shaped is not.
All in all its a game designed for TV where 'timeouts' are obviously designed to have yet another commercial. I will say that the highlight was Bruce in the interval. Everything seemed rather dull after that.
At least i've just found out that i can get Setanta Canada so I can watch a real game of rugby or football (I refuse to call it soccer).
I love Canadian cafes. This one was in Harrowsmith.